Steven G.Williams新演奏曲發表!

Steven G.Williams新演奏曲目上線了,點擊圖片趕快去聽聽這位在台灣的大師級吉他演奏家如何詮釋音樂!

從14歲開始就在德州,休士頓演出,並在各式樂團中磨練吉他技術,運用自己的吉他技術讓樂團有更出色的表演。之後在香港表演時受到感動,錄製了"THE DECAY OF THE FALSE VACUUM"一曲,並在好萊塢深受肯定

大家可以看看原文介紹,我只能說,太屌了!!Steven無論是演奏技巧,音樂性,以及對聲音的sence以及敏感度都是世界一流水準! 除了吉他演奏家以外,Steven還是為作家呢!


Truly, there is no other guitarist like SGW. Steve Williams/SGW began playing shows in Houston, Texas at the age of 14. Later, while attending college in Austin, SGW regularly played the famous 6th Street in that great music city with various bands. But it was in Houston that SGW honed his skills with the band Pushing Vivid, a progressive heavy rock band that slugged it out in Houston for over 6 years. SGW was also a Robin Guitars endorsee during this time. However, when no record contract emerged, SGW moved to Asia and began a 6 year journey that brought him back to the guitar with renewed passion and originality. After shows knocked people out in Hong Kong, SGW wrote and recorded THE DECAY OF THE FALSE VACUUM. The rock instrumental CD was a hit on Jango Radio and quickly picked up by Brain Muscle Media/Universal in Hollywood. Now, the CD is available worldwide. SGW also released a free booklet that accompanies the CD. An avid SCI/FI fan and writer, SGW has already published one novel. This unique and futuristic approach permeates the music of SGW. Now, in 2012, SGW will release another full CD and is planning a tour as well as various clinics. Prepare yourselves, a new kind of guitarist is now here. SGW is truly "melding words and music for YOUR future.



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